Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Here is my first author interview which was featured on Josephine Templeton's
WingBeat Guest Blog. 

Shirley, please introduce yourself and give us a short bio:
I grew up in Baton Rouge, LA and started writing at an early age. Always talkative, when I was eleven I began to put my thoughts on paper, writing stories inspired by some of my favorite writers, Laura Ingalls Wilder and Madeline L'Engle. As I grew older, I developed a love of romance and in 2009 I decided to try my hand at writing paranormal romance. The result was The Smoke and the Flame and its sequel, The Wind and the Fire. The Smoke and the Flame is the first novel I have ever completed, although I have written several unpublished screenplays.

I graduated from Nicholls State University where I majored in History and minored in English. Since graduating (I don't like to think about how long ago that was) I have worked at some of the best libraries in the Baton Rouge area. I make my home there and enjoy spending time with family members. I also love seeing movies, reading, and going to the park with my niece in my free time.

Currently, I am hard at work on my newest venture, tentatively titled Awake. It is a departure from her first novel, as it is a contemporary romantic suspense.
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If you had superhero powers, what would it be, and how would you use it to save souls?

I’ve always wanted to have the power to read minds. Imagine all you could do with a power like that. You could fight crime because you would be certain of lies and truth when dealing with criminals or you could be a psychiatrist and be able to truly know, understand and perhaps help those who need it. You could also truly know those in your life, which would be a blessing and a curse. Still, it would be one I would want to have because I believe knowledge is the first step to love.

As a kid, what was your favorite cartoon or tv show?

As a child I really enjoyed Scooby Doo and all of the classic Disney princess films like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Sleeping Beauty but Cinderella was my favorite.

As an adult, what is/are your favorite shows?

Where do I begin? I am a total couch potato and so I have lots of shows I love to watch these days. Just a few of my favorites are: Doctor Who, The Vampire Diaries, Elementary, Dexter, and Game of Thrones. In general I enjoy romances, paranormal adventures, period pieces, police procedurals, medical dramas in that order.

What is your favorite hobby and why and how often do you indulge?

I love to read, watch television and go to the movies. I do all three as often as I can. I love the escape books, movies and TV can provide. I love to immerse myself in another world and I love connecting with different characters. I also really enjoy analyzing different characters and the psychology of what they do. When talking about a series like Dexter, what makes it so fascinating to me is it’s all about this complex man and why he does what he does. He is a serial killer, yet he is the hero of the story. He has a code which he rarely deviates from. I find it exciting to contemplate that we are each the hero of our own story and nothing is ever all black and white. I think it’s this idea that most informs my writing and what I feel makes for intriguing characters whether I’m reading, watching or writing something of my own.

For Jo's great blog click here. http://josephineswingbeat.blogspot.com

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